That all of humanity is about to exist in a world lied to by AI.

最近,, a Chinese media platform, published an article about how people will live in a world full of AI deception in 2 years.

The article put forward an idea: A person uses an AI tool to instruct other AI tools to automatically create articles, pictures, videos and other fake content, and then gives it to the AI tool specialized in posting articles to publish on major platforms.

Then from the beginning of the Internet, blogs, FaceBook, news, Goozon and other platforms will be full of AI-created fake content, no need to doubt the productivity of AI, a short time to occupy a platform is likely to happen.

Then the AI program in turn grabs this fake content to train AI models, resulting in a higher and higher percentage of fake content.

Mankind will soon survive in a world deceived by AI, which is a crisis for all of humanity, and there is no good solution for the time being.

タイトル: That all of humanity is about to exist in a world lied to by AI.

著者: アレックス


ヒント: この記事は元の著者によって公開されたものであり、この Web サイトの見解を表すものではありません.

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前の 12月 29, 2024 4:12 午後


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